Rallying Veterans to Fight Against the Rise of Fascism in America
Going on Offense for Democracy
This Veterans Day, Common Defense and Task Force Butler are proud to announce a powerful new partnership to uphold democratic values and counter rising authoritarianism in the wake of Donald Trump’s re-election. This alliance brings together two veteran-led organizations committed to safeguarding justice and protecting communities from extremist violence as concerns grow over the direction of our nation’s future.
Prior to the election, Generals Mattis, Milley, and Kelly—who each served at the highest levels of Trump’s first administration—have issued grave warnings, describing Trump’s behavior as “fascist” and cautioning that his actions threaten the very fabric of democracy. As veterans and protectors of the Constitution, both Common Defense and Task Force Butler agree with their assessment and are responding with a fortified commitment to defend democratic principles.
Help Us Fight for Democracy and American Values
Many Veterans felt helpless, hopeless, and ashamed as they watched the democracy that they fought for attacked from within by radicalized Veterans carrying American flags and symbols of military service on January 6, 2021.
Veterans Fighting Fascism empowers veterans to fight back – to be part of the solution. We work to reclaim the meaning of patriotism and reshape the role that veterans play in America's political landscape. Our work inspires veterans and civilians alike, restoring hope for democracy. Join us!
Task Force Butler Institute
We have archived and honor the work of Task Force Butler Institute, a nonprofit which trained veterans to engage in research and operations to counter extremism by teaching them the skills and context to keep themselves and their communities safe.
Domestic extremist organizations are growing in membership, activity levels, and sophistication – and they aren’t being met with meaningful and effective opposition.
Resistance against Fascism must be professionalized, persistent, and overwhelming, not haphazard and without competent and inspiring leadership.
Now is the time to invest in going on offense for Democracy.
Antifascist Book Club
In times of growing authoritarianism and political instability, knowledge is a powerful tool. The Antifascist Book Club brings together essential works to help you understand the challenges we face, prepare for the future, and take meaningful action to protect democracy and human rights. These resources have inspired our mission at Veterans Fighting Fascism, and we hope they will inspire you too
Hold Extremists Accountable
For far too long neo-nazi, white supremacist, and fascist organizations have been able to terrorize vulnerable Americans and erode our democracy without paying a price.
We advocate to ensure that those who want to destroy our pluralistic society pay for the damage that they’ve done to targeted minority groups and our democracy.

“My interest is, my one hobby is, maintaining a democracy. If you get these 500,000 soldiers advocating anything smelling of Fascism, I am going to get 500,000 more and lick the hell out of you.”
— USMC Major General Smedley Butler, 1934